Welcoming a cat into your home is a truly rewarding experience. Not only are you giving an animal a home filled with love and security but your new fur buddy will return your kindness with deep and loyal companionship.
Yes, cats have a reputation for being independent creatures who like exploring on their own. But they can also be incredibly affectionate with those who earn their trust – in this case, you.
If you’re still wondering whether a cat is the right peta for you, here are five reasons that will help you make up your mind.
1. Cats are independent
A cat will be there for you when you need them, but they can also keep themselves entertained on their own. Most cats don't require - or desire - constant attention so you'll never have to deal with huge, forlorn eyes if you work late or have other plans.
This independent streak is especially beneficial if you have a busy daily life. And since cats sleep an average of 15 hours a day you won’t have to worry about them feeling lonely when you’re not around.
2. Cats keep your house pest free
It’s a well-known fact that cats have a knack for hunting rodents. However, they're also natural insect killers and will commit themselves to getting rid of common bugs like house flies and spiders.
3. Cats are quiet
Cats meow when they're hungry but you rarely have to worry about being jolted awake in the middle of the night or distracted from your work by them. Their extensive sleeping patterns means they’re quiet for most part of the day and you’ll hardly find their affectionate purring intrusive.
4. Cats are an eco-friendly choice
Adopting a kitten or adult cat is an excellent choice of pet if you’re eco-conscious. According to studies, the resources required to feed and care for a cat have a lower carbon footprint than those required for other animals. Furthermore, most cats prefer fish to beef or corn because it’s healthier for them.
5. Cats help reduce stress
We all get stressed from time to time, and most of us have a variety of coping mechanisms. If you’re a cat owner, one way you can relieve stress is by stroking your cat. This simple act causes your brain to release endorphins and elevate your mood. Their soft fur only makes this experience more comforting!
By this stage, you may be ready to be a cat owner or perhaps you still need time to think it over. Don’t rush this your decision. Take your time and consider all the pros and cons because this will be a lifetime commitment!